Are you hoping to get your tow charge reimbursed? Have you ever experienced the frustration of waiting endlessly after requesting roadside assistance from your insurance company, only to resort to calling a local tow truck company? Or maybe you're in a situation where the police called for a tow truck to move your car, leaving you with an unexpected bill? If any of these scenarios resonate with you, keep reading to discover how to get your tow charge reimbursed.
With many roadside assistance plans you can submit your receipt and get reimbursed for towing and roadside services. Keep in mind that each insurance company has its own reimbursement limitations, and some may require you to contact their preferred towing company first. Although we continuously monitor and update this information, stay informed by reviewing your insurance company's roadside coverage policy.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through AAA
Navigating the process of getting reimbursed for towing and roadside assistance services through AAA Insurance is simple if you follow these steps: Access Reimbursement Forms:
Go to the AAA website and select your state to find the reimbursement forms.
Fill out the form completely and print it.
Keep a copy of the form and your original receipts for your records.
Submitting Your Request:
Ensure your receipt / invoice has your vehicle year, make, model and VIN listed.
Have on hand the Policyholder's name and Policy number.
You can Fax the completed form and receipts to (714)-885-1924, drop off the form and receipts at a local AAA Branch Office or Mail the form and receipts to: AAA Club Services Attn: ERS A-321 PO Box 25001 Santa Ana, CA 92799-5006
Processing Time:
It may take up to 4 weeks for your request to be processed. Make sure all documents are complete to avoid delays. If you have any questions, call (888) 222-9441.
**Important Reimbursement Criteria:**
To get reimbursed, provide the original receipt and explain what happened within 60 days of the service using their reimbursement form. Reimbursement covers membership services at regular rates, but there are some rules to follow. If you didn't call AAA for help first, there may be a limit on how much they can reimburse you however, some reddit users report approvals at $300. Remember to check with AAA for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through Allstate Insurance
Your reimbursement amount with Allstate depends on your chosen roadside membership (Roadside Advantage or Roadside Elite).
Submitting Your Request:
Make sure your receipt or invoice includes your vehicle's year, make, model, and VIN.
Policyholder's name
Policy number
Reach out to your local Allstate office or agent. They will request your towing services receipts to be sent via email or collected in person.
Retain a copy of the form and your original receipts for your records.
Please allow 7 to 10 days for your request to be processed.
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact Allstate for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could affect your reimbursement. Remember to check with Allstate for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through Direct Auto Insurance
Submitting Your Request:
Make sure your receipt or invoice includes your vehicle's year, make, model, and VIN.
Reach out to Roadside Assistance number through 877-756-6637. They will request your towing services receipts to be sent via email or fax.
Policyholder's name
Policy number
Retain a copy of the form and your original receipts for your records.
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for your Direct Auto Roadside reimbursement request to be processed.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact Direct Auto Insurance for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could affect your reimbursement. Remember to check with Allstate for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through Elephant
Elephant partners with Agero, a roadside assistance provider, to offer roadside services and handle roadside claim processing. Varying from state to state, generally your roadside service covers up to 15 miles distance. After this distance is reached, a per mile fee may be applied.
Submitting Your Request:
A photo or PDF of your receipt or invoice that includes your vehicle's year, make, model, and VIN.
Policyholder's name and Policy number
Description of the emergency roadside service
Confirmation of whether Agero was contacted for the needed service.
Retain a copy of the form and your original receipts for your records.
Reimbursement claims can be submitted via elephant's online website or by mail to Elephant Insurance Roadside Assistance Claims Department PO Box 9145 Medford, MA 02155.
Allow 30 - 40 business days for processing once received from USPS and additional time to account for mail delivery.
You will receive an email notification as soon as your claim is processed.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
Reimbursements are offered when a tow service is provided outside of Agero's network of service providers. If you didn't initially contact Elephant's service provider for towing services, there may be limitations on the final reimbursement amount. Please note that the distance your vehicle was towed may impact the reimbursement. Be sure to stay updated with Elephant for any policy coverage changes.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through Farmers Insurance
Submitting your reimbursement request through Farmers is easy and should take about 5 minutes.
Submitting Your Request:
Farmers will request a photo or PDF of your receipt or invoice that includes your vehicle's year, make, model, and VIN.
Policyholder's name and Policy number
Description of the emergency roadside service
Retain a copy of the form and your original receipts for your records.
Reimbursement claims can be submitted via Farmers online website or mobile app
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for your Farmers Insurance reimbursement request to be processed.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact Farmers Insurance for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could affect your reimbursement. Remember to check with Farmers for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through Germania Insurance
Germania has contracted with Quest Towing Services to provide towing and roadside assistance to policyholders. Usually, your roadside service covers up to 50 miles. If you go beyond this distance, you'll have to pay each additional mile which is not reimbursable.
Germania's Auto policy covers up to five car breakdowns per policy period, with only one service call permitted for each breakdown. For instance, if your car breaks down, you can use your roadside coverage to tow it home. However, Germania won't reimburse or cover you for a second tow to a repair shop for the same issue. Although second tow services for the same breakdown aren't reimbursable, here's how you can file for reimbursement for your first tow per breakdown.
Submitting Your Request:
You will need a photo or PDF of your receipt or invoice that includes your vehicle's year, make, model, and VIN.
Your Policyholder's name and Policy number
Description of the emergency roadside service
Remember to keep a copy of the form and your original receipts for your records.
Reimbursement claims can be submitted by logging into the Germania online claims website or by calling 877-437-6264 and follow provided instruction by the agent.
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
You should receive an email from an agent 24 - 48 hours after claim submission but allow 2 to 4 weeks for your Germania Insurance reimbursement request to be processed.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact Germania Insurance for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could affect your reimbursement. Remember to check with Germania for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through GEICO
Your roadside service usually covers up to 20 miles of towing to a nearby service facility. If you go beyond this distance, you may have to pay for each additional mile which is not reimbursable.
Submitting Your Request:
Keep a copy of your submission and your original receipts for your records.
GEICO requests for the original copy of the roadside service receipt or invoice that includes your vehicle's year, make, model, and VIN and policyholder's name and policy number.
Reimbursement claims can be emailed to or faxed to (866) 954-3761. Requests can also be mail to: GEICO Emergency Road Service P.O. Box 8075 Macon, GA. 31208-8075
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
You should receive an email from an agent 24 - 48 hours after claim submission but allow 2 to 4 weeks for your GEICO Insurance reimbursement request to be processed. In some cases, you may receive your reimbursement by direct deposit.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact GEICO Insurance for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could affect your reimbursement as well as your policy coverage limits. Remember to check with GEICO for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time. For any questions regarding reimbursement, you can call (800) 522-7775Â .
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through NationwideÂ
Nationwide partners with Agero, a roadside assistance provider, to offer roadside services. Additionally, towing and reimbursement coverage usually comes with Nationwide's comprehensive coverage but it's always a good idea to double check.
Submitting Your Request:
Keep a copy of your submission and your original receipts for your records.
Nationwide requests a picture or PDF of the roadside service receipt or invoice that includes your vehicle's year, make, model and VIN. Additionally, you should include the policyholder's name and policy number.
Reimbursement claims can be emailed to or faxed to 1-866-201-2423. Requests can also be mail to: Nationwide Claim Services PO Box 182068 Columbus, OH 43218-2068
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
You should receive an email from an agent 24 - 48 hours after claim submission but allow 1 to 2 weeks for your Nationwide Insurance reimbursement request to be processed. In some cases, you may receive your reimbursement by direct deposit.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact Nationwide Insurance for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could also affect your reimbursement as well as your policy coverage limits. Remember to check with Nationwide for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through Progressive Insurance
Progressive provides a website portal to check the status of your reimbursement in real time.
Submitting Your Request:
Keep a copy of your submission and your original receipts for your records.
Progressive requests disablement location, a picture or PDF of the roadside service receipt or invoice that includes your vehicle's year, make, model and VIN. Additionally, they request policyholder's name and policy number.
Reimbursement claims can be emailed to submitted via their submission portal or by calling 1-800-776-2778 and follow the prompts. Requests can also be mail to: Progressive Reimbursements PO Box 9147 Medford, MA 02155
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
You should receive an email as soon as your claim is processed which may take 2-4 weeks. Additionally, you can check the status of your claim even if it was mailed through USPS by using their search for reimbursement feature.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact Progressive Insurance for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could also affect your reimbursement as well as your policy coverage limits. Remember to check with Progressive for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.
How to Get Your Tow Charge Reimbursed through State Farm
Not sure if you have roadside coverage? Check the front of your insurance card for "Coverage H." If you need to submit a reimbursement request, here is how:
Submitting Your Request:
Keep a copy of your submission and your original receipts for your records and have your policyholder's name and policy number ready.
Reach out to your local StateFarm office or agent. They will request a picture or PDF file of the roadside service receipt / invoice that includes your vehicle's year, make, model and VIN to be sent via email or collected in person.
Ensure all documents are complete to prevent any delays.
You should receive an email as soon as your claim is processed. For any additional questions, you can reach StateFarm through (877) 627-5757.
**Crucial Reimbursement Details:**
If you didn't contact StateFarm Insurance for towing services initially, there may be restrictions on the amount they can reimburse you. It's important to be aware that the distance your vehicle was towed could also affect your reimbursement as well as your policy coverage limits. Remember to check with StateFarm for updates as your policy coverage can change at any time.